Editing these images made me so happy. I feel so lucky to be able to help people capture images throughout their life. It’s a good reminder of why I work as hard as I do.
Life can be easy and beautiful and it can be complicated and hard. And I just feel so blessed that I get to be in the midst of people who show up with a beautiful smile whenever they get photographed!
Meeting friends and getting connected is something we always need to work on. Getting to know new people always enriches us and it’s good for our kids to build relations too – solid friendships.
In order to decide what my next steps are, I decided to take a little break from blogging and social media during the holiday season and reflect on my own business, my friendships and relationships.
Now I’m back! 2019 was a big year for my business. I’m super excited about 2020 and can’t wait to see what the future holds.
First up will be my spring mini sessions. Stay tuned!

Being a Family Photographer in Dublin Ohio is always a pleasure and this photo session was shot at the beautiful Glacier Ridge Park in Dublin, Ohio.
Learn more about my Family Photography sessions or book a session -> HERE.